• 111 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • I’m not sure it’s so much the rules. There are some really bad instances out there, most of which are defederated from the more popular ones because they’re so filled with things like what you described.

    The difference between this and reddit is that most of the instance admins aren’t really interested in making a profit, don’t have to answer to things like advertisers or media perception, etc. so they’re more interested in creating a positive community for their users.

  • Yeah I’ve got my own playgroup, and while it’s got its own problems, I think it’s still so much better than playing with some salty randos at the LGS.

    Regarding proxies, I bought a couple non-sexy ones on etsy so I wouldn’t have to take my most valuable cards with me, and now like 50% of my recommendations are big tiddie anime proxies. Even my search results have them inserted, even when I search for something completely unrelated. That site is wack.